Thursday, May 17, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 

MoviesChain uses cryptographic protected content of TVzavr entertainment by our proprietary data management system that has a basic AES-128 standard.Since 2010, our content is available worldwide on smart TVs, smartphones, and consoles. Our advertising clients are the largest companies in the world, including the Fortune 500 list.The product is ready! Our interface system has been running since 2010, and our back-end system will be ready by the time we close our ICO. The ICO media will be used for the commercialization and acquisition of video content.
The proliferation of digital cameras and video editing software has created new opportunities for beginners and established filmmakers. Currently, most of the budget and movie revenue is distributed to third-party distribution and commercialization, and not directly to filmmakers.In fact, the constant, transparent, and transparent TVzavr MoviesChain practice and attractive pricing for restoring confidence in the original creator gives way to artistic freedom of expression. Our main goal is the creation and development of a fully decentralized independent film industry.

-> Established in 2009, we are a leading Russian video-on-demand company.In 2010, we received $ 15 million in venture capital funds to form a strong team of 70 specialists.-> By 2017, we have 30 million users who watch videos on our platform every month.-> In 2017, we earned $ 10 million in revenue.-> FilmChain by TVzavr is supported by our unique content delivery network system and Akamai network across 50 servers worldwide.-> Movies composed by TVzavr entertainment content are cryptographically protected by our own unique data management system, which has AES-128 standards at the core.-> Since 2010, our content is available worldwide on Smart TV, Smartphones, and set-top-boxes.-> Our advertising clients are the largest companies in the world including the Fortune 500 list.

The product is ready! Our front-end system has been in operation since 2010, and our backend system will be ready by the time we close our Token Sales. Funds from Token Sale will be used for marketing and purchasing video content.

MoviesChain by TVzavr is a revolutionary technology that will help solve all the problems mentioned above and revive the independent film industry. Specifically, MoviesChain on TVzavr with blockchain using technology, will focus on eliminating intermediaries between audiences' distributors and independent producers of quality films. Currently, third parties have completed about half of their income, or about $ 10 billion per year. The Tvzavr MoviesChain technology will eliminate the inefficiencies of this market, as an independent rental revolution in the film, which significantly reduces costs.FilmModel innovative content distribution TVzavr not only encourages independent filmmakers and producers to produce better films, but also challenges the monopoly that remains in major movie studios. This will allow independent and new independent filmmakers in the marketplace to direct the information to drastically reduce the amount of money needed to start production.
In MoviesChain on the TVzavr platform, filmmakers will start generating revenue in the near future, as they complete work on their films. Instead, currently independent film funding is created primarily through crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, a place where there may be enough time to see a return on investment. However, the Tvzavr MoviesChain platform is designed to optimize the independent film financing process, and thus earn higher profits faster.


      MovieChain TVzavr's mission is to provide independent filmmakers with a transparent system to distribute content in captivating global financial conditions, offering customers affordable and independent movie quality. FilmChain by TVzavr will also effectively connect the public with independent filmmakers and large studios.
  Since 2009, tvzavr (MoviesChain developer) offers video on demand (VoD) services. Currently, our company transmits video entertainment to millions of people, either directly or through partner platforms owned by the company. For 2017, tvzavr has 30 million unique users per month, with paid content viewed for 365 million and 10 million dollars in revenue for tvzavr. Telecom Daily reports that users recognize TVzavr as the best entertainment content provider in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

MoviesChain by TVzavr

Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 

 Distribution Token
Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 

100 million tokens will be issued,70% will be distributed during the initial sale,5% will remain in the reserve fund if it is impossible to buy tokens in the secondary market becausereward program, 2% will be set aside for23% of prize campaigns will be transferred to the initial investment team.All allocations will be changed proportionally, keeping the same percentage of allocations for initial sales, reserve funds, bounty campaigns and team allocations, if less than 70 million tokens are sold during initial sales.Distribution of funds received from original token release:-> Marketing-50%-> IT-20% Development-> Operational Cost-20%-> Legal Support-5%-> Board of Directors and Advisory Board-5%

Token sales will take place in 5 stages. During the first stage, only whitelisted members can get tokens. You can whitelist by submitting personal data on this site.-> The third member of the whitelist will receive a 25% bonus.-> The remaining white list members receive 20% bonus. -> The second stage has a 15% free tokens bonus.-> The third stage has a 10% free tokens bonus.-> The fourth stage has a 5% bonus of free tokens-> The fifth stage has a 3% free tokens bonus. Bonus of up to 10% will be awarded for the number of tokens purchased:-> 10.000-50.000 ZVR - + 3% free tokens-> 50.000-150.000 ZVR - + 5% free tokens-> 150.000-350.000 ZVR - + 7% free tokens-> over 350,000 ZVR - + 10% free tokensToken sales terms and conditions will be clarified more closely with the Token sale launch.

Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 


Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 

Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 

Our partners 
Hasil gambar untuk movieschain bounty 



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