Saturday, September 29, 2018


Over Mycro

We hebben het onze taak gemaakt om het meest waardevolle geschenk te beschermen dat mensen biedt: TIJD.

De tijd verbindt ons allemaal, ongeacht onze afkomst of sociale rang. De tijd is beperkt. Tijd is eindig. We kunnen de tijd niet ophalen of verlengen. In de wereld van vandaag wordt onze tijd meestal extern beheerst. De tijd wordt beheerst door onze banen, onze klanten, onze sociale verplichtingen.

We geloven daarom dat elke persoon in deze wereld het recht heeft om controle te hebben over zijn eigen tijd. Het is onze visie om dit recht te implementeren.

Om deze reden zullen we een evenwicht tussen tijd en geld creëren. We zullen een wereldwijd en decentraal peer-to-peernetwerk opzetten voor eenvoudige banen. Mensen over de hele wereld moeten zelf kiezen wat ze doen, wanneer en voor wie ze werken en wat hun tijd waard is.

Onze missie is om iedereen toegang te geven tot deze mogelijkheid, ongeacht of deze afkomstig zijn uit een dorp in Vietnam, de buitenwijken van Berlijn of van het centrum van Manhattan.

Onze ico


1. 07/2017

Start - Mycro-conceptie.

2. 02/2018

Team & bedrijf - Vestiging Mycro.Jobs GmbH en ontwikkeling van kernteams, ontwikkeling van wit papier, juridische toetsing van het tokenontwerp.

3. 05/2018

MVP - Start ontwikkeling MVP, start website met whitelisting.

4. 06/2018

ICO-website online, Crowdsale slimme contracten zijn klaar.

5. Q3 / 2018

Particuliere verkoop voor strategische partners met een langetermijnwaarde voor het project.

6.Q4 / 2018

Pre-sale voor "vroege investeerders". Hoofdverkoop - ICO, inkoop van kapitaal voor de ontwikkeling van het Mycro-netwerk en implementatie van de routekaart

7. Q1 / 2019

MYO uitwisselingslijst -We zullen werken aan het aanbieden van MYO op geschikte topbeurzen.

8. Q1 / 2019

Soft launch MVP - Lokale markt (Duitsland).

9. Q3 / 2019

Nationale lancering - De app wordt gelanceerd in Duitse steden als Berlijn, München, Hamburg en in Duitstalige steden in Zwitserland en Oostenrijk.

10.Q1 / 2020

Europese lancering - De app wordt gelanceerd in Frankrijk, Spanje, Zweden, Italië - bij voorkeur in Parijs, Barcelona, Stockholm en Rome.

11. Q4 / 2020

Wereldwijde lancering - De app wordt gelanceerd in Azië en de VS.

12. Q2 / 2021

Begin met decentralisatie - stapsgewijze invoering van mechanismen voor decentraal beheer.

13. K2 / 2022

Volledige decentralisatie - Gedecentraliseerde computer- en opslagcapaciteiten worden gebruikt om een onafhankelijk ecosysteem te exploiteren (IPFS, Golem, Sonm).


voor meer informatie bezoek de link:


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Pro Fish Ico: recensione


La brillantezza del progresso della blockchain è che ha una tendenza ad essere associata a tutto il lavoro della vita, questa tradizione discontinua è la stella del business con la capacità di mantenere registri evidenti, struttura della porzione decentralizzata e dare il controllo ai propri clienti senza il bisogno di controllo paria

Vari vagabondi blockchain stanno saltellando passo dopo passo in vari campi della vita che vanno dalle scommesse sportive, assicurazioni, sharing economy, transazioni decentrate con un business online decentralizzato, focus decentralizzato business gratuito, fase di condivisione video decentralizzata e altro ancora, eppure da ho indagato e investigato su vari esercizi che non ho mai seguito per uno sforzo che si sta sforzando per la pesca sportiva decentralizzata e tra le varie cose distintive, questo che rendono questa impresa condivisa oggi più notevole, stanno avendo un'influenza primaria nel distruggendo questo multilione di Sportfishing industry .

Prima di continuare, devo dire ai miei perenti che Sportfishing è una diversione ricreativa annuale da molti miliardi di dollari. In soli noi, oltre 60 milioni di americani spendono annualmente 46 miliardi di dollari su calcoli ricreativi, ha un totale di denaro relativo all'impatto di $ 115 miliardi nel principale noi, quando consolidi il calcolo dei costi di alloggio, trasporto e costi distintivi relativi a indossare calcoli. Gli Stati Uniti parlano di circa il 45% della diversione complessiva calcolando i salari; diversi obiettivi calcistici ricreativi acclamati consolidano Giappone, Sud America, Australia, Sud Africa e Scandinavia. Diversione La pesca sta crescendo in salari intorno al 3,5% in modo coerente in tutto il mondo, secondo l'esame.

Con la mia delucidazione di cui sopra, sono sicuro che tutti i miei perusers sono d'accordo con me sul fatto che questo settore può essere distrutto con un avanzamento blockchain per una maggiore redditività e questo è il posto in cui ProFish entra in gioco. ProFish è la relazione essenziale del suo genere, in un mercato assolutamente sconosciuto Il token ProFish, FISH può portare un altro tipo di giudizio giudizioso, e un soggezione che ispira un nuovo cambiamento al sistema di calcolo del divertimento; Il pesce è per i pescatori.

Il palco ha un gettone di utilità commerciabile sulla blockchain di Ethereum che è utilizzato per finanziare le organizzazioni nella fase, fornisce un metodo trilaterale per gestire i vantaggi del caso d'uso che sono significativi per pescatori, rivenditori e rivenditori, in tutto il mondo. ProFish offre tre organizzazioni di regole, su uno stadio decentralizzato che è autonomo.

Servizi di token FISH

Tornei online: i tornei online non sono un altro motivo per cui hanno esibito notorietà nel settore del calcolo del divertimento. Molti pescatori di diversione conoscono attualmente come funzionano le rivalità online. Le rivalità ProFish a prescindere, avranno le preferenze in più di bassi oneri commerciali, evidenti scambi di blockchain e la sicura struttura di Ethereum per aiutare le sue capacità.

I campioni dei tornei online sono compensati in token FISH e pronunciati nella pagina della società ProFish. La pagina delle pagine web di ordine sociale ha capacità di vita basate sul Web come quella di Facebook: i clienti possono incorporare partner, influenzare i ritrovi, creare reciprocamente i divisori e offrire i loro risultati con metodi per il sito web di Profish.

Mercati online: la messa a fuoco online ProFish garantisce venditori, rivenditori e pescatori per lo scambio di oggetti e attività utilizzando gettoni FISH e in aggiunta Ethereum. I membri del sistema avranno inoltre la possibilità di utilizzare questa parte come un incontro di swap online, per offrire rigging usati o personalizzati. I pagamenti saranno facilitati direttamente nel negozio di sistema.

Sistemi premio: i programmi premio sono straordinariamente normali nel calcolo dello sport su ogni rivenditore critico che offre i propri programmi di premi specifici. Frequentemente, i clienti riceveranno centri, voucher di benedizione virtuale o test che sono semplicemente collegati a un rivenditore, una cosa o un'offerta specifici. In linea di massima passano con il tempo, e generalmente il cliente viene lasciato con una piccola modifica inutilizzabile, come $ .67.

L'uso delle organizzazioni ProFish, (ad esempio, il Marketplace online oi tornei), oltre a rendere più facile lo shopping, consente l'uso dinamico della diversione calcolando le cose. Calcolare le rivalità è difficile da misurare direttamente nelle occasioni, ma è facile da valutare con entusiasmo. FISH si aspetta di ottenere i pescatori là fuori, per beneficiare il più possibile della loro vitalità.

Per ulteriori punti di interesse, visita le

connessioni di accompagnamento:


White paper:






collegamento profilo:



Friday, September 28, 2018

ParcelX World’s First Blockchain-Powered Parcel Network

About ParcelX

ParcelX aims to create a cross-border parcel delivery ecosystem where anyone or service provider can trust and participate through revolutionary blockchain technology. We are creating a new Blue Ocean market with blockchain technology. It will remove inefficiency, data opacity, and high costs from one of the world's oldest industries:cross-border logistics.

We use blockchain technology to harness unutilized capacity from domestic delivery providers, removing inefficiency, data opacity, and high costs from geographically distant nodes. ParcelX token economics will build value for early adopters & partners, welcoming every player to participate and empowering them to focus on their core competencies.

As a first-mover in the cross-border parcel delivery space, ParcelX’s existing network includes 30 global air carriers and 20 national postal system platforms. Its partnerships include major cross-border e-retailers like Rakuten, eBay, Wish, InterPark, LG life, and It also collaborates with Yunda, Sagawa, CJ, UBI, Walltech, and Cainiao. Furthermore, ParcelX has exclusive ownership of ports in Xiamen and Yancheng, with overseas warehouses at Japan and Korea.

Harnessing unutilized, redundant capacity in domestic delivery providers, ParcelX unites these geographically distant nodes, using blockchain to seamlessly integrate their service and overcome the problems that exist in the industry for all stakeholders. Any new or existing logistics node, including individuals, is welcome to have their service united with the ParcelX Network.

Details ICO and token



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Criptonity Building Community-Oriented Exchange

Cryptonity is een combinatie van twee woorden Crypto en Community. maar solide en significant is het doel van het uitwisselen van cryptonity, wat wordt beschouwd door de Community Cryptocurrency. Cryptonity streeft ernaar om de meest complete, veilige, rechttoe rechtaan en gedeelde markt voor uitwisselingsplatformen te bieden.

Cryptonity is van plan om Crypto World een enorme kick te geven, en misbruik te maken van de 'main benefit'-strategie van publieke uitwisseling. Ze zullen hun speciale token, genaamd Cryptonity Token met de XNY-ticker, vrijgeven. Cryptonity-tokens worden in eerste instantie op de Ethereum-blockchain geduwd. Sneller dan later, is Cryptonity van plan om hun eigen Blockchain te bouwen en zal ze direct na het Token Sales-aanbod foto's maken.

Het maken van cryptocurrency valuta-uitwisseling is geen eenvoudige taak. Uitwisselingen die zorgen voor een volledige regeling van het apparaat en de capaciteit is veel lastiger. Cryptonity weet dat dit gaat over tijd, gratis inzet, enthousiasme en ijverig werk, vergelijkbaar met de inspanningen die worden geleverd bij de uitwisseling van cryptocurrency.

In ieder geval is Cryptonity van mening dat cryptocurrency-uitwisselingen, inclusief uitwisselingen die al lang beschikbaar zijn, vanuit verschillende invalshoeken kunnen worden vergroot. Flawlessness is heel moeilijk te bereiken, maar we probeerden het zo ver als we konden te benaderen.


Vanuit Cryptonomistisch perspectief zijn er twee verschillende klassen van digitale gelduitwisseling: grote spelers, vanuit het ene oogpunt, en het andere kant.

Degenen die we kandidaten abstract noemen geven niet om hun klanten of klanten en lijken zich geen zorgen te maken over hun niet-aflatende kwaliteit. De meesten van hen noemen elke munt die ermee instemt om hun dure kosten te betalen, en dat is alles.

Ze maken geen verbinding met hun klanten, brengen geen verbeteringen aan (bijvoorbeeld het opnieuw ontwerpen van de gebruikersinterface) en concentreren zich alleen op het verhogen van hun inkomsten. Ze zijn te allen tijde indirect op het punt waar het soms lastig voor ons is om te zien hoe sommige klanten ze kunnen vertrouwen en hun geld opnemen voor deze transactie. We stellen ons voor dat dit de reden is dat sommige munten met een "lage dekking" alleen toegankelijk zijn op deze centrale.

Tot slot heeft dit te maken met veiligheids- en openhartigheidsproblemen. Deze realiteit is verrassend beangstigender voor grote spelers, omdat zij de belangrijkste focus zijn voor programmeurs en criminelen.

Een boek kan worden gecompileerd over problemen die worden geïdentificeerd met cryptocurrency-handel, en die hierboven zijn slechts een paar onbeduidende dingen uit dingen die de markt de situatie kan verbeteren. Ondertussen begrijpt cryptonomist dat cryptocurrency-uitwisseling verband houdt met verschillende problemen en gevaren.

Afgezien van kwesties van veiligheid en openhartigheid, zien cryptonomists ook problemen die zijn geïdentificeerd met cliëntvergaderingen, bijvoorbeeld de afwezigheid van uitwisselingsinstrumenten, ontoereikende dialectondersteuning, gematigde resultaten, enzovoort.

Oplossing van Cryptonity:
Cryptonity streeft ernaar om het meest betaalbare, veilige en gemakkelijk te delen uitwisselingsplatform te bieden. Een belangrijk onderdeel van ons werk is beveiliging, Cryptoniy biedt haar klanten het veiligste uitwisselingsplatform.

Om dit doel te bereiken, zal cryptonity samenwerken met de meest bekende specialisten op het gebied van beveiliging, twee keer per jaar door de gratis beveiligingsorganisatie beoordelen en de resultaten van de beoordeling rapporteren aan elk van onze klanten. Hun veiligheid voet zal worden gezegd op onze site.

Om vooruitgang te boeken en ervoor te zorgen dat de kennis van onze klanten over uitwisseling het veiligst is, zullen we voorzorgsmaatregelen treffen om onze klanten terug te brengen als er tegenslag ontstaat als gevolg van aanvallen. Meer gedetailleerde gegevens over onze beschermingsstrategie vindt u in het segment "Standaardruil".

Een ander kritisch perspectief is de connectie met hun klanten. Het is normaal dat we onze klanten betrekken bij de ontwikkeling van het cryptomity-platform.

Ze hebben verschillende correspondentiekanalen die open staan voor associaties met onze klanten en we zullen onmiddellijk reageren op de verzoeken van onze klanten.

Er zijn drie hoofdkenmerken van Cryptonity
1. Uitgebreid "Cryptosysteem"
Onze gebruikers de meest ergonomische en krachtige handelshulpmiddelen bieden. Gebruikers met onze Token Cryptonity (XNY) krijgen de laagste kosten op de markt. We zijn van plan onze eigen Blockchain en gedecentraliseerde uitwisselingen te ontwikkelen met deelname van onze community via gewaardeerde programma's

2. Beveiliging en verzekering
Onze gebruikers het veiligste handelsplatform bieden, werken met de beste beveiligingsexperts op de markt, twee keer per jaar gecontroleerd door onafhankelijke beveiligingsbedrijven. De eerste crypto-uitwisseling om een verzekering af te sluiten om onze gebruikers terug te sturen in geval van verlies.

3. Communautair georiënteerd handelsplatform
Betrek de crypto-gemeenschap bij de evolutie van het platform om aan hun behoeften en verzoeken te voldoen: te ontwikkelen functies, munten om te registreren, enz. Responsieve meertalige klantenservice, lage kosten en volledig transparant beleid. Kenmerken van "Forks", "Airdrops", "Staking Rewards" en "Masternode" moeten worden geïmplementeerd.

Deze Cryptonity Token (XNY) wordt een utility-token en op deze manier worden de kosten geïdentificeerd met het nut ervan. Het token geeft de belegger de helft van de prijs van de Cryptonity Exchange-installatie. Hierdoor kan de eigenaar ook aandacht besteden aan speciale zaken zoals stemmen.

Er zijn drie hoofdkenmerken van Cryptonity
1. Uitgebreid "Cryptosysteem"
Onze gebruikers de meest ergonomische en krachtige handelshulpmiddelen bieden. Gebruikers met onze Token Cryptonity (XNY) krijgen de laagste kosten op de markt. We zijn van plan onze eigen Blockchain en gedecentraliseerde uitwisselingen te ontwikkelen met deelname van onze community via gewaardeerde programma's.

2. Beveiliging en verzekering
Onze gebruikers het veiligste handelsplatform bieden, werken met de beste beveiligingsexperts op de markt, twee keer per jaar gecontroleerd door onafhankelijke beveiligingsbedrijven. De eerste crypto-uitwisseling om een verzekering af te sluiten om onze gebruikers terug te sturen in geval van verlies.

3. Communautair georiënteerd handelsplatform
Betrek de crypto-gemeenschap bij de evolutie van het platform om aan hun behoeften en verzoeken te voldoen: te ontwikkelen functies, munten om te registreren, enz. Responsieve meertalige klantenservice, lage kosten en volledig transparant beleid. Kenmerken van "Forks", "Airdrops", "Staking Rewards" en "Masternode" moeten worden geïmplementeerd.

Deze Cryptonity Token (XNY) wordt een utility-token en op deze manier worden de kosten geïdentificeerd met het nut ervan. Het token geeft de belegger de helft van de prijs van de Cryptonity Exchange-installatie. Hierdoor kan de eigenaar ook aandacht besteden aan speciale zaken zoals stemmen.

Onze Cryptonity-token wordt origineel uitgevoerd op de Ethereum-blockchain. We zijn van plan in de nabije toekomst onze eigen Blockchain te ontwikkelen en we zullen eraan werken zodra onze Token Sales compleet is.

Het Cryptonity-token is een utility-token en de prijs moet aan het hulpprogramma zijn gerelateerd. Onze tokens geven de eigenaar een 50% levenslange korting op de Cryptonity Exchange-kosten. Hierdoor kan de eigenaar ook deelnemen aan speciale functies zoals de stem voor "Munt van de maand".

Token details:

Tokensymbool: XNY
Token Type: ERC20
Totale tokenlevering: 100.000.000
Token prijs: 0.23 $
Minimale transactie: 0,05 ETH
Minimumdoel: $ 500.000
Maximale bestemming: 20.120.000 $


Algemene verkoop 1 Start: 31 oktober 2018 - einde: 30 november 2018
Algemene verkoop 2 Start: 30 november 2018 - einde: 14 december 2018
Algemene verkoop 3 Start: 14 december 2018 - einde: 31 december 2018
Er worden geen nieuwe tokens gemaakt, alle niet-verkochte tokens worden vernietigd.

Details token toewijzing


Ga voor meer informatie naar de onderstaande link:

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ylife token

Who We Are?

YLIFE is a foundation founded by a group of football fans & cryptocurrency. The majority of us are one of the fans of football clubs on the European continent. Because of that love we implement it through our unique and interesting ideas in YLIFE. Our goal in absolute terms is to manage fairly in holding a fairly competition with our chain slogan "Supporters For YLife, YLife For Supporters". In accordance with our vision of being a Fair Management to Fair Competition, our team will continue to develop our management in a gradual and systematic manner in organizing fair competitions that are unique and easy for everyone.

Ylife Supporters

Very simple, this applies to all people in the world to be able to join and participate in YLIFE COMPETITION and have the right to get all the bonuses and rewards on a large scale, you must have a YLF token and you are already part of the YLIFE SUPPORTERS family. Believe it, our team prioritizes the convenience of joining YLIFE supporters and providing an easy and enjoyable competition-taking experience.
Growth Ylife

Birth and the early stages of YLIFE have been strongly supported by the establishment members, development team, competition experts, initial supporters. We would like to thank all those who have made extraordinary contributions to development of YLIFE tokens.


With ethereum blockchain as a book for all transaction history, all transactions at YLIFE can be viewed transparently by all supporters. Believe it, transparency is the main factor for managing management fairly in building fair competition. you can look all transaction on etherscan YLF

Fast Distributions

Our team prioritizes two main things in the transaction for the happiness of all supporters. All distribution of tokens, will be distributed as soon as possible (less than 36 hours). Secure transaction, we believe ethereum blockchain has been highly tested for the security and privacy a users.

Fair Competitions

Our team will try to professionally in organizing a fair competition and confident this project will a long time. We always monitor schedule and result of the match that comes from the world's most trusted sports site. In providing a sense of comfort and happiness for every supporter.





For more details, please visit the link below:






Wednesday, September 26, 2018 ~ Global Exchange, Local Experience

Use Fuleex Token Pay Anyone. . .

Fuleex is one of the most important financial creations today.
For the first time ever, Anyone Can Send Money From Anywhere,
Simply with a click of a button in a safe and secured platform
and Can Receive Money Anywhere In The World.

Along with our partner's
existing service network,
users can trade and
arbitrage Internationally
in the comfort
of their home city.

Singapore, Taiwan China,

Hong Kong, Malta, Malaysia

Our digital
wallets can be
Pay to Anyone in
The World

Fuleex Online Exchange will Meet the Demand for :

International Transaction
Fuleex Exchange will incorporate an international payment service offering point-to-point accessibility for individual customers and business clients in different geographies to make international payments from their digital wallets (one account to another account) to over 30+ countries.

Merchant Loyalty Programs
Fuleex Exchange will facilitate the management of reward programs that merchants currently operate on by providing its Token as a medium of exchange for their customers and merchants.

Merchant Loyalty Programs
Fuleex Exchange will facilitate the management of reward programs that merchants currently operate on by providing its Token as a medium of exchange for their customers and merchants.

Executed Worldwide.
International Transactions.

This Exchange will be deployed in Singapore,
and will be LIVE shortly.

Management Team

Jeff Low

CEO / Founder

Jeff is a successful and seasoned entrepreneur who began his journey in China's aviation industry in 2004. He achieved the first ever foreign-owned Aviation Service Provider status and then moved on to be an investor in the Finance, FMCG and Education sectors.
Presently, Jeff is serving on the China ASEAN Expo Committee as a distinguished member for the past 10 years and recently founded his first Blockchain Academy in Nanning.

Currently, he is also an advisor to China Adult Continuing Education Committee. Jeff is a visiting Professor to 2 universities in China; Da Tong National University and Jiaozhuo National University.

Trina Savage
Chief Operations Officer / Co-Founder

Trina is a Marketing Brand Entrepreneur with China & APAC region experience in creating 360 strategic experiential integrated marcom programs for the IT & lifestyle industry. Since the 90s, she was already in discussion with Telcos to actively promote applications for the Digital Wallets on mobile devices. Her stint at eSports gaming, reinforced the importance of community-driven marketing and token creations.

She managed clients including Hong Kong Land, Pepsico, HSBC APAC, to projects like bringing a trade delegation from China as part of the Tianjin Binhai Free Trade Zone to Milan, The Dinosaur World Tour (Singapore), Paris to Peking Motor Challenge (Asia Team), Art exhibition at the Mori Museum Tokyo, a 5000 pax Charity Gala, Open Stack Community Event and Intel E7 v4 Global Press launch held for the first time in China. She has since produced 2 books and holds a MBA in International Marketing.

Coco Choo
Chief Financial Officer

Coco Choo is an adaptive, balanced, conscientious and matured Chartered Accountant, a member of the ISCA Singapore and fellow member of the ACCA UK since 1991. She has a total of 25 years of work experience as a CFO/DOF/FC in broad industries including 14 years in the service industry with 3 major hotel groups, experienced with the handling of multicurrencies in money changing and its ensuing AML/CTF compliances and reporting, and 6 years as a CFO in the Energy sector handling $6b pa of banking settlement transactions 24 X 7 at T+0. She started her career with solid foundation in corporate governance spending 1 year at the Government of Singapore Investments and 3 years as an Audit Senior with a 'big 4' – Ernst & Young. She had pioneered in 2 major hospitality project start-ups and had spear led many e-initiative projects throughout her career history. She had worked for a local fintech remittance company and is resolved to bring forth ACI – Accountability Credibility and Integrity into this industry.

Mike Yatim
Chief Legal & Compliance Officer

Mike Yatim, an Advocate and Solicitor of the Singapore Supreme Court, has an extensive 40 years skilled experience in the corporate and compliance fields. He provided expert advice and representation across a wide range of complex corporate, regulatory and compliance issues in his service in the Ministry of National Development; the Housing Development Board; the Official Assignee and Public Trustee Office; the Singapore Land Authority and EMC Pte Ltd. He had also notably served as a Judge in the Singapore State Courts for 5 years. In his spare time he taught Commercial law for the University of New South Wales and Murdoch University. A strong believer and a quiet contributor towards inclusive community, he had also been a long-time Grassroots Leader – Secretary in his Residents Committee of his area. With Mike’s depth of expertise, astute and equitable judicial temperament, he could be counted on to uphold the Compliance culture in the company and to deliver commercial solutions that take into account the requirements of clients, regulators and stakeholders

Mark C Porcelli

President Europe & USA

Mark has over 30 years’ experience in finance. He started on Wall Street as a fixed income trader in New York and then went into institutional sales. Mark worked at major brokerage firms such as Credit Suisse, Nomura Securities and Wells Fargo Bank as well as with small cap brokerage firms. He moved to Europe in 2001 and started his own consulting and investment banking firm Continental Advisors SA Luxembourg, where he structured debt and equity placements for private and public technology companies in biotech, fintech and green technologies for fund managers and asset managers in Europe.

He returned to New York and became active in blockchain technology and the crypto currency market, and has a network of ICO and blockchain equity investors in the US, Europe and Asia. These investors are institutional funds that manage positions in crypto currency, blockchain and mining technology companies as well as UHNW individuals and their representatives who are constantly seeking investment opportunities in the crypto/blockchain sector.

Alan Ng
Business Development APAC & EMEA

Alan is presently involved in private equity management and had extensive experience in global financing through his stint in Abu Dhabi’s sovereign fund and the Asian Development Bank. He currently holds the post of President of IPOS (Intellectual Property Office of Singapore) Society.

Glenn Lim
Chief Marketing Officer

Glenn is an accomplished Marketing, digital strategist and media professional having worked on over 200 commercial projects for organisations like CPF Board, KPMG, CK Tang, Singapore Information Services, Singapore Prison Services, Singapore Island Country Club and the YMCA. He is also the founder of CEO Asia (uniting entrepreneur across Asia for a sustainable future) and the recently launched Brands for Good (Sponsored by Maybank) in Singapore. With his wide network in helping regional SMEs focus on responsible leadership, we aim to work with forward-looking SME businesses, committed to being stewards of positive impact in leading the way Asian companies make payments globally.

Pan Ling
Business Director & Principal (CAE Expo / Fuleex Academy China)

An accomplished female entrepreneur in China, Pan Ling is one of those “Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Guangxi", and is the Vice President of Guangxi Women Entrepreneurs Association, Vice President of Guangxi Women's Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Vice President of Nanning Women Entrepreneurs Association. Beyond this, she is in the Expert committee for National Professional Talents Education Management Information Center and a Member of the Etiquette Committee of Education (part of the Ministry of Education), making Pan Ling an ideal representative and Principal of CA Expo x Fuleex Academy providing Blockchain Technology training and professional skills education to SMEs in Asia.

Jason Lee
Business Director

Jason Lee, an MBA and electrical engineer graduate, has over 20+ years of experience including in depth knowledge in multinational supply chain industry and international manufacturing business. He brings forth much value to the Company in corporate sales acquisitions and in his ability to align the internal operational service standards to customer needs. He is also a specialist in Supplier Quality & Development in the Automotive & Electronics Industry and a certified ISO/TS16949 lead auditor. In his career span, Jason had led business process re-engineering and helped many APAC companies save millions. He had spent many years overseas working for Global Multinational Corporations (MNCs) such as General Motors, Yazaki, Schaffner and Wheels Electronics in America, Europe, Japan and ASEAN. In this role, he will grow the business whilst managing the global partnerships and ensuring a healthy profit for the group in the Fintech market space.

For further information, please see the link below:



Profile link:




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The platform offers the option for free on their packages. Investments are another way to generate automated income without much passion in any exchange or business, but you just sit while your money works for you. This business idea was appreciated by many and experienced several turning points when people became more familiar with this.

Trust it or not, almost everyone can be an ace of something, if and only in time chance that they can saddle the ability to really pull out all the stops. Several people contribute to the advancement of technology and abilities, which really create reserves for large recycling and the creation of organizations. Once again, in business, several firms or associations have a stable establishment than others, so in some cases it would be really unreasonable to run a business or an enterprise with the same idea, at least to unite its platform with your assets and be the recipient of their incredible achievements.

Trust it or not, almost everyone can be an ace of something, if and only in time chance that they can saddle the ability to really pull out all the stops. Several people contribute to the advancement of technology and abilities, which really create reserves for large recycling and the creation of organizations. Once again, in business, several firms or associations have a stable establishment than others, so in some cases it would be really unreasonable to run a business or an enterprise with the same idea, at least to unite its platform with your assets and be the recipient of their incredible achievements.

This was part of the motivation, why people began to invest their well-deserved assets in tasks, banks or enterprises. However, the request is that these investment platforms benefit from what they actually collected from their important amount. Investment projects that are made in cash in the usual way do not bring much benefit to their individuals, and this becomes more terrible because it is our national banks that impose on each exchange that occurs on its platform. By the end of the venture platform you will understand that the speculator does not get much profit, as he estimated.


MAY BE THE GENERAL INCOME FOR THE MEMBERS OF VEIAG, which is a business enterprise, has made all the necessary fundamental inquiries regarding the potential tasks that they have chosen to allocate resources, in the light of the fact that he amateurishly simply invests the assets of individuals in any obligation without doing there really is a hypothesis about how plausible or manageable this will be. VEIAG, with their experienced analysts and business experts, identified potential areas, for example, the agriculture and health sector. The areas of agriculture and health are extremely broad areas of enterprises with sub-zones, to which we will participate in the subsequent parts that followed.


Innovations have reached a high degree that at present world law concerns industrialization in each segment. This colossal industrialization was noted as a source adding to the expansion of the world's medical problems faced by most countries of the world, but it is very sad that those who suffer most are both creating and immature countries. For many years, the worldwide influence on the nursery has expanded and added a lot of ailments that are observed in most

developing countries, but the research here is that these creating and immature countries have an industry of human services to help strengthen them in their therapeutic accessories and in addition, collecting social security funds.

VEIAG has detected spots that do not get into the eyes when creating medicines, for example, drugs, medical products, gloves, etc. In addition, VEIAG will also create therapeutic production lines that will be reliable in assembling restorative mechanisms and, in addition, create producers of the surroundings with the best in class machines, so that they also created medicinal equipment.

Agribusiness is one of the biggest parts in which numerous people are involved in many countries, in particular, the creation in countries and VEIAG after it has allocated this huge potential in this division, there is a plan for its inclusion in this area. This enterprise will provide a lot of benefits for the entire population that are in this outstanding region, reducing the rate of traction, the unemployment rate and so on. This will help to strengthen the way of life of local residents, as they will also receive a salary from their work in an agricultural enterprise, headed by VEIAG.

Meat items and food are what happens to the brains of people when a pet is raised as a major problem, but, to a great disappointment, this part has different advantages that it can produce when it completely abuses its greatest, Part of the domesticated animals acquires us, subsistence and meat, as well as aggregate waste from creatures, can also be prepared to make composts that can be used as natural fertilizers on our neighboring ranches. It would go far to reduce the toxic quality that dirt suffers due to the modernization of cultivation, which is currently continuing.

Once again, the skins of these creatures can be used for disorder purposes in a melodic field and, moreover, for tasteful. All this will achieve a confusion of conceivable results for the entire population, which will further improve their life and lifestyle, and all this will be led by VEIAG.


ACCESS TO OTHER INCOMING PROJECTS The foundation of the VEAIG platform will cause a lot of thoughts and decide that individuals, individuals or associations will need to accelerate their work. As an invitation to VEIAG, he created a key structure that will evaluate each approaching enterprise in order to know its value and potential that it can offer to the platform and its people. This procedure is set up to check the unhappiness that some venture platforms neglect before entering into any obligations. This would help protect people's assets from the platform and ensure that they receive the usual easy income, forming their specs on the platform.

These procedures are counseling and evaluation, baseline assessment, comparison process, physical assessment and recruitment. If you do not mind the article, to get more information about how these procedures are distributed and will also work.


There are several investment platforms that are available, but none of them has the communication and security offered by the investment guild of virtual economic academies. This is one of the few venture platforms that recognize digital forms of money and went further to direct the unpredictability of cryptographic forms of money, getting to use gold as a benefit that supports the VEIAG token. Join VEIAG and how about collecting a solid and stable platform of speculation.
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